過去に在籍していたメンバーの体験談です。RA 応募の際、参考にしてください。
- 簡単な自己紹介(現在のご所属やご専門、将来のプランなど)
- 藤井仲田チームでやったことの簡単な説明
- チームに参加してよかったこと、勉強になったこと
また、経済セミナー編集部による RA へのインタビュー記事がこちらに掲載されています。あわせてご覧ください。
Here are some testimonials from past RA members for your reference when applying for a position.
- Brief self-introduction
- Brief description of what you did in our team
- What was good about being part of the team and what you learned
In addition, an interview with the RAs by the editorial board of Keizai Seminar is available here. Please take a look at it as well.
前田湧太さん(2021 ~ 2022)
- 簡単な自己紹介
2021年の3月に東京大学大学院経済学研究科修士課程を終了し、2022年の9月よりミネソタ大学ツインシティー校の経済学博士課程に進学いたします。専門はマクロ経済学で主に所得・資産分布や家計の貯蓄・投資行動に興味があります。 - 藤井仲田チームでやったことの簡単な説明
主に2021年の3月より、毎週の分析更新を担当いたしました。また種々の政策分析やオリンピック分析などを担当いたしました。 - チームに参加してよかったこと、勉強になったこと
- Brief self-introduction
I am a doctoral student in the Ph.D. program in Economics at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. I obtained my master’s degree in Economics at the University of Tokyo in 2021. My research interest includes income and wealth distribution and household saving behaviors. - Brief description of what I did in Fujii Nakata’s team
I was in charge of weekly updates of the COVID-19 and output in Japan project, analyzing how the infections and economic activities were related. I also analyzed the effects of potential policies and the changes in circumstances of COVID-19 on the infections and economic activities. - What was good about being part of the team and what I learned
Three things come to my mind immediately.
First, I learned how to keep updating the models and analyses based on time-varying available data and the emergence of new model ingredients, such as vaccination, new variants of concerns, and new countermeasures against COVID-19.
Second, preparing slides published to many people, including non-experts, reminds me of the importance of visualization and word choice. We spent most of our time on how to convey our analysis effectively.
Third, I learned project management skills as a supervisor of a model analysis team. I hope these skills will be beneficial in my future career as a researcher.
岡本亘さん(2021 ~ 2022)
- 簡単な自己紹介
2022年3月に東京大学大学院情報理工学系研究科 数理情報学専攻の修士課程を卒業しました。専門は確率論です。
同年8月より多国籍企業で Data scientist として勤務する予定です。 - 藤井仲田チームでやったことの簡単な説明
特に印象に残っているのは、オリンピック分析、重症化率モニタリングサイト整備、入院患者数・重症患者数見通しツール開発の3つです。(余談ですが、このウェブサイトの開発も担当していました。) - チームに参加してよかったこと、勉強になったこと
さらに、様々なバックグラウンドを持つ優秀な RA 達と共同して作業することが刺激的で、それが自身の成長にも繋がったと思います。後半は他の Junior RA に仕事を割り振る機会が増え、マネジメントの経験も得られました。
- Brief self-introduction
I graduated in March 2022 with a Master’s degree in Mathematical Informatics from the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo. My specialty is probability theory.
I will be working as a Data scientist in a multinational company from August. - Brief description of what I did in Fujii Nakata’s team
I was involved in more than 20 projects, although the margins are too narrow to write about them all.
The three projects that left a particularly strong impression on me were the Olympic Games analysis, the development of a monitoring site of severe disease rates, and the development of a tool for forecasting the number of hospitalized patients and severely ill patients. (As an aside, I was also responsible for the development of this website.) - What was good about being part of the team and what I learned
I originally made my living in data analysis and was not really interested in model analysis, but through the project I realized that even a simple model can provide important implications, and I am now ready to use model analysis in my future work.
I also had many opportunities to engage with the press and policy authorities, which gave me a glimpse behind the scenes of policy discussions in our country. In the process, I was also able to learn the importance and know-how of science communication.
Furthermore, I found it stimulating to work together with other excellent RAs from various backgrounds, and I think this led to my own personal growth as well. In the latter half of the program, I had more opportunities to assign work to other Junior RAs, and I also gained experience in management.
I am truly grateful that I had this opportunity before entering the workforce. Thank you very much.
遠藤宏哲さん(2021 Summer)
- 簡単な自己紹介
ケンブリッジ大学経済学部2年 (St. John’s College) / 東大文科1類1年(今後の可能性は無限大です∞) - 藤井仲田チームでやったことの簡単な説明
- コロナによる失業の自殺への影響分析のためのデータ収集。
- 昨年8月後半の急激な感染者数減少の要因に関する定量的分析:藤井仲田チームの分析と分析当時に予見されていなかった諸事情(天候、ワクチン接種の促進等)を加味した際分析。
- 藤井仲田モデルに世代間異質性を加味した改良モデルの構築・パラメータ推定・コーディング。
- チームに参加してよかったこと、勉強になったこと
- Brief self-introduction
2nd year economics student at the University of Cambridge (St. John’s College) / 1st year at the University of Tokyo (The possibilities for the future are endless∞) - Brief description of what I did in Fujii Nakata’s team
- data collection for the analysis of the impact of corona-induced unemployment on suicide. 2.
- quantitative analysis of the causes of the sudden decrease in the number of cases in the second half of August last year: analysis by the Fujii-Nakada team and analysis when various circumstances (weather, promotion of vaccination, etc.) that were not foreseen at the time of the analysis were taken into account.
- construction, parameter estimation, and coding of an improved model that takes into account intergenerational heterogeneity in the Fujii-Nakada model.
- What was good about being part of the team and what I learned
I gained experience not only in building but also in operating a model that is very relevant to the real world. In particular, being able to face the trade-off between timely provision of analysis and analytical precision was valuable, as we tend to be biased toward the latter.
- 簡単な自己紹介(現在のご所属やご専門、将来のプランなど)
ミドルベリー大学4年の森公毅です。経済学と数学を専攻しています。将来は政策やマクロ経済に関わる経済学者になりたいと考えています。 - 藤井仲田チームでやったことの簡単な説明
藤井仲田チームでは、フルタイムの RA として1年3か月間ほど働きました。仕事としては、毎週の予測更新、オリンピックに関する分析、ワクチン効果の分析、VoL(都道府県や国におけるコロナに対する対策の比較)などのプロジェクトに関わりました。具体的には、モデルで計算するために必要なデータの収集、MATLAB でのモデル分析、そしてウェブサイトやメディアで使われる図の作成などを行いました。 - チームに参加してよかったこと、勉強になったこと
まずは、コーディング力や分析のまとめ方、といった研究の手順を仲田・藤井さん、あるいは周りの(特に博士課程の)RA の方々から学ぶことが出来たのは、とても貴重な経験でした。MATLAB や Stata の使い方だけでなく、どのようにコードを書けばより効率良くチームとして分析が進められるのか、どの程度のスピード感や内容の分析結果が求められるのかを理解できた経験は、今現在でもとても役立っていると感じています。
加えて、政策分析におけるモデル分析の重要性、特に日本の政策決定においてモデル分析の発展の余地があることを、コロナ分析を通じて実感しました。特に、仲田さんから Fed 流の政策分析の進め方、あるいはプレゼンの仕方を学ぶことが出来たこと、そして実際に政策決定者に分析を伝えるプロセスに関われたことはとても貴重でした。
- Brief self-introduction
I am Masataka Mori, a senior at Middlebury College. I am majoring in economics and mathematics. In the future, I would like to become an economist involved in policy making and macroeconomics.
I would like to become an economist who is involved in policy and macroeconomic issues in the future. - Brief description of what I did in Fujii Nakata’s team
I worked as a full-time RA in the Fujii Nakata team for about one year and three months. My work included weekly
I worked on projects such as weekly forecast updates, analysis of the Olympics, analysis of vaccine effectiveness, VoL (comparison of measures against corona in prefectures and countries), and others.
I was involved in projects such as weekly forecast updates, analysis of the Olympics, vaccine effectiveness, and VoL (comparison of measures against corona in prefectures and countries). Specifically, I was involved in collecting the data necessary to calculate the
data needed to calculate the model, analyzing the model in MATLAB, and creating figures to be used on websites and in the media.
I was very happy to be a part of the team and to have had the opportunity to study with the team. - What was good about being part of the team and what I learned
I feel that my experience in the Fujii-Nakada team has greatly improved my skills. First of all.
I learned a lot from Nakata and Fujii and other RAs around me (especially those in the PhD program) about research procedures, such as coding skills and how to summarize analyses.
It was a very valuable experience to learn not only how to use MATLAB and Stata
I learned not only how to use MATLAB and Stata, but also how to write code so that we can proceed with the analysis more efficiently as a team, and how much speed and content of the analysis is required.
and the speed and content of the results of the analysis.
I feel that this experience is still very useful today. I also learned how to give precise instructions to the RAs while working as an organizer of the analysis team.
I also learned a lot about how to communicate with others as a team, such as how to give precise instructions to RAs and how to present important points to professors in a concise manner.
I also learned a lot about how to communicate when working as a team, such as how to give precise instructions to the RAs and how to present important points concisely to the professors.
In addition, I learned a lot about the importance of model analysis in policy analysis, especially how there is room for development of model analysis in policy making in Japan.
In addition, through the corona analysis, I realized the importance of model analysis in policy analysis, especially that there is room for development of model analysis in policy making in Japan. In particular, I learned from Mr. Nakata how to conduct Fed-style policy analysis or how to make a presentation on the Fed’s policy analysis.
analysis and presentation, and to be involved in the process of actually communicating the analysis to policy makers.
and to be involved in the process of actually communicating the analysis to policy makers was very valuable.